It’s no secret: here at Ad Results Media, we love a good host endorsement. When podcast and radio talent talk enthusiastically about products and services they love, it makes for authentic spots that make genuine connections with listeners. But live reads aren’t the only way to get your brand in the ears of eager consumers. A programmatic campaign can be a cost-efficient, targeted, and—yes—authentic option you may not have considered before.

What makes programmatic different? And, more importantly, what makes a programmatic spot good?

What Makes a Great Programmatic Spot?

From what we already know about the advantages of programmatic, we can surmise a few strategies for producing an excellent spot.

  • The cost-efficiency of running a programmatic campaign could mean extra budget  for high-quality production with professional voice talent, sound effects, and music. ARM offers production services that allow us to provide fast turnaround times and more creative control for the client.
  • More refined audience targeting gives clients the ability to specifically narrow down who they want to reach. More strategic focus means you can take advantage of being able to speak the language of your target customer.
  • Because programmatic spots are scripted, the client has total control over the messaging, so no key points will be left out or misinterpreted. And every spot is authentic to the brand voice.
  • Since programmatic spots are produced audio, the only creative restriction is length. From a founder’s script, to a fictionalized encounter starring your brand, to a dramatic narrative with epic sound effects—the sky’s the limit creatively. Catching the ears of busy listeners with a spot that stands out from the crowd is a huge competitive advantage.
  • Another unique opportunity in a programmatic spot is sonic branding. Produced ads allow the option of including a memorable melodic or sound design element that becomes synonymous with your brand. Think catchy jingles or the immediately identifiable sound of the Netflix logo.

A Custom Fit

Earlier this year, we worked on a new programmatic campaign for Indochino—the largest exclusively made-to-measure apparel company in the world and an ARM client since 2016. Their campaigns were already performing well, but we wanted to test how we could take them to the next level. It was a great opportunity for us on the Creative Team to do some out-of-the-box thinking with a client who already trusted our quality of work. And what better way to give a boost to a custom, fully-personalized clothing company than with a custom, fully-personalized programmatic spot?

Previous Indochino campaigns targeted grooms shopping for a wedding day suit. Since this campaign would run in the spring and early summer, the client wanted to shift to targeting wedding attendees looking to up their style game. Since Indochino largely stuck with straightforward scripts in the past, we wanted to try something a little different. A little more fun.

We got to work and pitched three new concepts, and the client chose one called “Perfect For You.” It highlighted the similarities between finding the perfect suit and finding the perfect partner, as told by a wedding guest who can’t quite contain his excitement during the ceremony. 

Once the script was approved, it was time to start production. We sourced voiceover talent, a matrimonial-sounding music bed, and some sound effects to create a spot that was completely customized, attention-grabbing, and—most importantly—aligned with the client’s goals. Then it was time for the big day: our produced spot was polished and ready to walk down the aisle to its programmatic happily ever after. They grow up so fast.

Finally, our Media Team worked out a plan to send our new creation out into the world—and into the ears of listeners. They brainstormed monthly test plans, compiled audience analyses, and focused on optimization and low CPMs. Once the spot started running, the results were almost immediate, with a 43% CPA decrease year over year.

Part of a Complete Campaign

Programmatic is the perfect complement to a well-balanced audio advertising campaign. And with programmatic audio spend in the U.S. expected to increase to $1.8 billion in 2024, it’s a rapidly growing strategy. With the ability to tailor your message, hyperfocus on your audience, nimbly adjust your strategy, and take advantage of a creative blank canvas, the advantages of adding programmatic to your campaign are clear. Get in touch to learn more about how we can add programmatic to your brand’s campaign mix.