As we continue our discussion on the importance of work culture, especially during the time of COVID-19, On the Mic decided to take a moment to sit down and speak with our committee heads and get their take on the changes experienced within Ad Results Media since launching employee focused, committee initiatives.  Conversations in Episode 17 will focus on initiatives including inclusivity, diversity, social engagement, and wellness.


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Podcast Transcript

Work and Committees can oftentimes be an efficient way to a simple people and organize thoughts and Committees within the workplace can cover a range of topics from social engagement to employ wellness and inclusivity. In this episode of On the Mic with Ad Results, Media Nathan spell, and I sit down with Ad Results, Media committee heads to discuss their committee initiatives and the effects they've seen, not only across the organization, but also within themselves. So let's get started. That's a great thing about They grow with you as much fun as I had. I couldn't wait to get back to my sleep number bed. I love my third love bras. They're hands down the most comfortable bras I've ever owned.

I love making blue apron. I love it. It's my me time. All right, well guys, I really wanted to thank you all for joining us on this episode of, On the Mic with Ad Results Media. I kind of wanted to start off by getting each one of you to introduce yourselves where you're from, how long you've been with Ad Results and what committee you head. So Taylor, why don't we start with you? Sure. Okay. Hi, my name is Taylor. I am from Houston and I've been with Ad Results for almost three years now. And I head up the social committee. Hi there. I'm Kelly. I'm the controller. And I've been with Adam Results since October of 2017.

(1m 26s):
I'm originally from Corning, New York and I head up Hi, I'm Jennifer Christman. I am one of the Media vice presidents and have been with Ad results for a long 17 years. And I am heading up the wellness committee. Hi, I'm Sienna. I overstayed all of the Committees. There is not a particular one that I technically oversee. So, and I've been with Ad Results Media for under two years now. Hi, I'm Erin. I'm originally from a small town in Wisconsin. I've been an Ad Results for just under one year and I had a, the lunch and learn committee.

(2m 8s):
It was the kick things off scene. Why don't we start with you? Could you maybe tell us about how these communities get started and really what determined the launch of the company? Yeah. So last year I had a conversation with the partners because I came from different companies who had different Committees and different types of Committees. And so what I did was initially I gathered feedback from all of the employees and really put a lot of their likes and commonalities into different buckets. And from there started the creation of these Committees. So the last year or the year before us apologize, we started with one committee and now we are at five Committees now with a couple of Committees having subcommittees within those Committees.

(2m 57s):
So I kind of want you to get an overview of what the different committees have been working on and what y'all have planned for the future. So Taylor, why don't we kick off with you and the social committee? So as a social committee, we are really focused on getting people engaged and involved and feeling like we're a community kind of aspect to it. So this year we've kind of had to pivot and have a virtual aspect of everything. So we've been really focused on getting people involved, even though we may not be an office, we can still get involved online and over zoom. So we've set up different games and tournaments like rock, paper, scissors, and bingo.

(3m 37s):
And we have different activities that we send out either weekly or maybe every so often. And these have been really fun to things like a guest, the Ad Results employee, where we've sent a baby photo and to fax and people will get to guess who that is. That's gone over really well. So let's some of the things that we've been doing and the team is constantly thinking of new activities. As I said, going virtual, we've kind of had to just keep coming up with different virtual things to do, which has been interesting, but our team is really the committee I work with. They have some really good ideas. So I'm excited about that. I think one of the biggest challenges that we're going to have is coming up with how to do big events at our office, virtually if we need to.

(4m 26s):
So Halloween has always a huge thing at our Results. So trying to figure out the best way to do that virtually, and if we need to in December, how of our holiday party virtually kind of the best way to do that too. So I'm excited about what our team can come up with and I look forward to keep getting everyone involved and Kelly, I know things I've got to be interesting for your committee. Yeah, it's, it's a very interesting, it's hard to do some in our, out in office recycling when we're not in the office. So what we've kind of shifted to is what can we have in place when everyone gets back? So the two biggest things that people have asked for as the removal of styrofoam and to do paper recycling I'm and doing the research on this styrofoam is, is considered to be one of the most unfriendly types of waste because of all of the different hazards that it, that it can, that can happen with it.

(5m 22s):
So if it's exposed to sunlight, it creates pollutants. It goes to the landfill. It stays there forever. I mean it, when it burns, it comes to complete the ozone layers. It's a huge, it's, it's a very bad thing to have. And we have now eliminated all use of styrofoam in our office where we will, once everybody gets back I'm the other one was the wrong paper, recycling. We use a lot of paper and Ad results. I mean, most companies do American businesses use about 21 million tons of paper annually, and 40% of that gets to the landfill. And we needed to change that footprint drastically. And additionally, what most people don't know is that one Tod of paper requires three, 180 gallons of oil and 17 trees.

(6m 8s):
So just by recycling, one ton of paper, we're saving all of that. And in including the ag, including the landfill space. So people just don't realize what, what paper really consists of. So there's a lot of things that can be saved just by recycling paper coming up. You know, we had planned to do the national recycling day. We had planned to do some events for earth day. We weren't able to really do those. We did some of those virtually, we did quizzes for the whole week on earth, day, recycling and environmental and climate change. All of those things that there was a, everyone had everyone really liked those. We're hoping that once we get back, we will be back in type of national recycling day, which I believe is in November.

(6m 51s):
And then we're also talking about doing a corporate event like beach cleaning, Galveston annually has a beach cleaning day. And as your, if you go as a corporation and you get a little plaque and on the sea wall, and we hoping to hopefully do that next year, and if we can, I love it. I love all of that. Jen, how about you guys and wellness? Sure. First a shout out to the recycling committee. The Chrisman family has started to recycle all of our glass, our cans, and our cardboard, because we know everything has to be delivered to our homes now. So yay you guys for inspiring us, but for the wellness committee, we were trying to just get people to maintain a healthy lifestyle, both physically and mentally.

(7m 40s):
And we're trying to do at least one activity per month. This past week, we just honored national junk food day by doing a food swap with eat this. It's not that. So replacing a junk food item with something healthy, where we've had different sorts of, instead of eating chips, we put pictures up of nuts or recipes instead of eating a pizza, having a zucchini boat pizza, or a chicken crust pizza. We were also working through our second month of the gallon challenge and feel fab Friday, we're, we're giving a beauty tip like a self-care tip as opposed to something physical activity.

(8m 24s):
And this will be news to everybody, but we're doing a four week meditation retreat for the month of August. So that will be pretty awesome and get everybody's Zen as we continue this work from home Business. I think we all need a little bit of a Zen right now. Erin, how about you? Yeah, so I went to all the other Committees. I'll have to learn committee how to shift to this new working from home environment and figure out what we could do virtually with all the employees. So initially we kicked off a tips and tricks document that just had some tips in there on how you can work from home and still be productive, various tips, like wake up and take a cold shower to get yourself ready for the day to eat a breakfast.

(9m 10s):
And you're not skipping out on meals. We also hosted our first ever virtual lunch and learn just a few weeks ago where we had a couple of speakers talk about time management, leadership, and confidence. Most recently we've been working and getting ready for our next lunch and learn, which is actually in just a couple of days. And we're going to have a couple more speakers who are going to answer some really in-depth questions about strategy and how to become a strategy strategic thinker and how each role at Ad Results use a strategy in their everyday lives. And for some other future initiatives, we're trying to incorporate some more virtual community service. We want to do a chat where we record reading books to children and make that public for all employees.

(9m 53s):
If they have children, they can turn that on and keep them occupied for a couple minutes. And we also have some exciting ideas for our quarter four lunch and learns as well. And Mo you are the head of our most recent committee, which hasn't officially launched just yet, but if you could fill us in on scene, that would be great. Dean is pretty much an initiative that encourages employees to celebrate difference in inclusion and ultimately ultimately become better allies. I want to put the emphasis on the word difference just because we've kind of phased out or I guess have kinda decided to phase out the word diversity, just because it can feel so narrow-minded and kind of limited to race or gender or sexuality.

(10m 37s):
But the vision that I have for this committee is way bigger than that. I mean, I'm talking like the difference of lifestyle differences, just basic human attributes that makes each of us unique and special in our own. Right. And I feel that it's important for any kind of differences to be celebrated and learned. So it's, I know that it's going to be a journey and a path, and I'm not trying to come up with all the ideas about myself. I got to think is a very important after we have our first meeting tomorrow, but to just build a framework and start a conversation like, I mean, I'm kind of stripping away all the, the layers and just starting from the bare minimum of just like, let's just have this conversation and see where everyone's mind is more than anything.

(11m 24s):
Just wanting to create a space where people to teach and for people to learn and to celebrate the small, but visible moments to help people will establish a sense of belonging in any space they occupy. So a lot more to come with that, as far as the details of some of the initiatives and et cetera, but I'm nervous, but very excited about the launch of this new committee. Well, with so many exciting points of impact with all of these Committees, I'm curious to hear more, you know, about what changes Y'all are hoping to see, take place as a result of these Committees. So maybe we could start with you, Taylor, you know, what the social committee, what, what are some of the biggest changes that you're hoping to see as a result of all of that committee moving forward?

(12m 10s):
Yeah. So I think I'd like to start off with one of the things that I've seen from this year, and then kind of go into a, what I hope to see and this year is, so when we started this year in January, we really wanted to focus on including San Diego and Austin in the same capacity as we include Houston, because I know that can be difficult at some times where we'll plan an event for Houston that has 70 plus people. And so it's a big event. It's huge, we're all excited about it. And then maybe 10 people in San Diego it's just doesn't really translate over to them. So we really want it to have that as our main focus this year, and then going virtual was kind of a blessing for us because now everyone gets to participate in the exact same events in real time.

(13m 0s):
And it's not Houston sitting this one day, San Diego is doing it the next week. It's all okay, we're doing this. Whoever can join, can join. And so that's been really fun. It's also a lot of people who don't really interact with each other to interact with each other now. So people in San Diego right now of getting to talk to people and Austin and people in Austin are getting to know more people in the Houston traffic team, like things that haven't been able to happen lately or are getting to happen. And we're all getting to play games together. And so that's been one of the changes from this year that has been really great. And then looking forward, I think I just want to develop more of a sense of community with, through the social committee, getting people involved, kind of hitting to everyone's needs, not just, not just a couple of people and trying to do things that everyone is going to want to participate in.

(13m 56s):
Maybe if they don't want to participate in one event that we're having right now, they'll be really interested in the next thing in September or something like that. So I really want to make people feel like they don't have to participate, but if they want to, we're always open and welcome for them. And they will find that going to work is a little bit more enjoyable because they have their friends. Yeah. That's so important, especially right now. I feel like what about you, Kelly? What about the changes that you've seen with the recycling committee so far and, and, you know, what's the, what's the goal moving forward? Well, Jen is a perfect example of what our goal is, is to take those recycling ideas and use them at home because we can do at work, you know, 70, 80 people then do it at home.

(14m 45s):
That's a huge thing. And that's going to help the environment so much. I've been impressed with the amount of, and earth-friendly Ideas that our employees are already contributing are already doing a lot to recycle at home the craft ideas. So, I mean, I think that just making people aware that the smallest thing can really add up and help the environment overall, recycling is all about the environment. We're the reason why we recycle is because if the trickle down from not doing it is too dangerous for our environment, with the greenhouse gases, the landfills and things like that. So, you know, my goal is just to make everyone just like Jennifer and everyone does it within your home and you don't have to fix.

(15m 30s):
I have, right now I have five different recycling bins in my garage for every different type of, I mean, I, that's what I do. And I think everyone needs to do that. Yeah. I loved the idea of making the goal bigger than just, you know, the impact within the walls of Ad. I mean, obviously since we're virtual and working from home right now, you know, it, it has to be bigger, but I love that. So Jen, what about with the wellness committee? What are, what are some of the biggest changes you've seen and, and what does that look like moving forward? Yeah, so I mean a lot more participation. So once upon a time we used to do a vet fitness Friday where we would do five minutes of activity every hour on a Friday, and we would start out strong.

(16m 20s):
And then by the end of the day, we had nobody. And so we're seeing a lot more consistency with folks and, and we, we just want to get healthy and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Being at home. It's hard, it's hard mentally. It's hard physically. I mean, on the weekends, what are your choices to do lay around, watch Netflix, eat Bon bons, like, so we're encouraging people to get out and do more with their time. We've done some 4g 4g at camp gladiator, the other G gladiator, some gladiator work outs where we've gotten people free workouts and stuff like that. Just anything to encourage movement and wellness, physically and mentally, or what we're trying to push.

(17m 4s):
And, you know, a lot of people have done it and I've gotten, you know, Slack messages from, if you don't mind me calling you out, Messina telling me that thanks to the wellness committee, she lost 13 pounds. And the first month I personally think I'd put on 13 pounds of the first month manage to get it all off, but she came out of the gate strong and she looks amazing. So we love hearing that sort of staff. Absolutely. So great. Say something to that. That is one of the things that I love about all of these Committees is because their tips, their tricks and everything it works. And we need it, especially during this pandemic now more than ever.

(17m 48s):
I think that if you follow the social committee, even like recycling committee, you're saving the planet and all of these Committees has such a personal impact on your life. And if you follow it and really live by it, cause I think it's a lifestyle change. You're a lot more happier and you're a lot more productive in the office and just being at work in general and those five steps that you have to take to go to your office because we're all stuck at home, makes it a lot easier to get through because of these Committees.

(18m 28s):
So I just have to say that the Committees have done such a phenomenal job with being creative and all of their activities because it works. I mean, for me personally, I'm the happiest I've ever been probably in my life because I'm, I'm participating in all of the activities that are all of these committees have to offer. Yeah, that's great. I, I think the, I really related to something Jen was saying about that whole light kind of up and down. And I think for me, I know that wellness in a normal time is hard. And I think putting some wellness and to practice right now is extremely important at a mental and a physical level.

(19m 10s):
So, you know, I just think all of that is great. Mo I'm curious with a new committee, like seen, you know, how, how do you see, you know, changes already happening and how we view difference as a company and what are some of the changes you want to see moving forward? For one, I've been just really grateful for the outpour of support that I've received so far, of course, this topic of differences and inclusion is a very sensitive, especially just what's happening in the world.

(19m 54s):
It can be very difficult and complicated to talk about because we will be naive to think that everyone thinks just like us, but when you open that gate of conversation, you know, you really have to prepare yourself for the response that you'll receive. But I think for me, I, what I hope to do is just to help everyone as well as myself, to continue to establish a sense of belonging within the organization, these Committees, along, along with the scene, it's important for us to see ourselves in our workplaces. I used to believe coming out of college that, okay, I'm, I'm going to have a job.

(20m 34s):
And my job is my job. And I am who I am on the weekends. And after I am leaving my job and you know, no one needs to know anything about me. I have a personal life and, you know, just with the, and the way that the world is situated, it's becoming very hard to do that. 'cause you take a lot of your personal life into the workplace. And we spend so much time with our coworkers more than we spend with our, our loved ones. And so it's really hard to create a separatism between the two. So I'm like, okay, how can I help to create this form of inclusion?

(21m 15s):
I feel like I, Results is already very culturally oriented and I just want to help elevate it in some way with having these conversations that people might not have had. I read a quote that was, that, that stood out to me. And it says that difference without inclusion is like an Energizer bunny without a battery. And I thought that that was interesting because, you know, we know that people are different, but unless it affects us directly, we might not care about right. So in a way it's kind of like, let's have this conversation, let's hold up these mirrors and kind of realize that, although we're very different, we're also very similar and that's what makes it, that's what makes it beautiful, insignificant, invaluable.

(22m 0s):
Like we're able to, to bind our differences and create something powerful together through unity. So yeah, that's, I mean, the vision is way larger and I kind of feel intimidated taking this on. I'm not gonna lie just because it just feels like a really large responsibility, but I'm excited and I feel supported and I feel seen, so, yeah, that'd be great. That's beautiful. I love that. What made you want to be a part of this new committee? So I didn't want to be a part of this new committee. I didn't want to take on the responsibility to do this because like I said, this is a very large responsibility to have these kind of conversations and to kinda open, to create the space, to make it happen.

(22m 46s):
However, I feel like my ancestors, which I honor my ancestors, you know, through my spiritual practices, as well as my faith, I felt led and I felt called to action with the state of the world. I was no longer able to say, okay. And it's hard for me to not see myself a part of the narratives that the narratives of people that are often victimized and marginalized, or just misunderstood it because you know, what we desire and what we think is beautiful in life or valuable, maybe different from the common person, so that weirdness or, you know, the artsy stuff like that, that narrative is often kind of like not shunned, but just kind of ignored because people don't get it.

(23m 36s):
And so I just no longer felt like I could sit and just not say anything. So although my conscious human mortal self didn't want to take on the task of, you know, emailing Curt and being like, Hey, I had this idea. I feel like it's a responsibility larger than me. And I feel like there is some type of power that is moving beyond me. That is, that is helping me be more of an extrovert to try to start sort of these conversations. So shout out to my ancestors And Aaron, what about you and the lunch and learn what made you want to be a part of that?

(24m 16s):
So when I first started last year, I came in right at the end of the year. So quarter three and the lunch and learns committee at the time was planning right at the end stages of planning their lunch and learn. And Tina had said, I leave the committee right now, come to this meeting with me. I want to show you what it's all about. And let me sit on it on a couple of the last meetings and see how it was planned. And then the day of the lunch and learn, she had asked me to do a couple of different tasks to help set up and just get everything ready for the speakers. And I kind of just took over and was like, yeah, I got it. Don't you worry about it? And I think I just really liked helping out.

(24m 57s):
And I think Ciena kind of saw how much I enjoyed the topic that they were talking about and also just helping with the committee. And so she kind of encouraged me to join all the Committees, but specifically to get ahead with a lunch and learns committee. And Jen, I've joined you a few times in the past years at those a 5:00 AM. Workout's what a, it's been a while, but what made you want to be a part of the wellness committee? Well, I mean, like you said, those 5:00 AM workouts. I, I have been working out or running it at the gym, doing marathons, doing fun runs.

(25m 38s):
What is it? We've done the breadth, the Avon breast cancer walk, I think five times my sister and I to raise money, but also because it's a fitness activity and we liked to do those sorts of things. So when most people get up in the morning and have coffee, I get up and work out and that's what sets me up for the day. So I just thought it was really great to share this with a bigger group. You know, Lindsay, when you were doing it with me on occasion, we had maybe five tried and true folks with us. And you know, it's nice to see that we have Brown and more people have taken an interest into their, their own personal wellness. Kelly, how about you and recycling For me, it's about being environmentally conscious and the recycling is part of the bigger climate control issue.

(26m 27s):
You know, the amount of carbon dioxide that's being released, it's the rise of the temperature of the earth, which is then creating the melting of the glaciers and the oceans are rising. I mean, all of it is linked together. So for it's about Trying to leave the planet in a better state than when I got it, you know, but I got it from my parents, you know, I, you know, I can remember even my mother using those old hairsprays and now you can't even buy anymore because of that. The, the, I mean, just, you know, Aqua net was bad. So for me, it's, it's about that. It's about making sure that there's some sustainable future for the planet, for my kids.

(27m 13s):
You know, and I have to say that even though this COVID has been, you know, very hard on a lot of people, and I know it's been a pandemic and it's been a tragedy, but it's actually been a health benefit for the earth itself. So if you look at the state, if you look at the, the, the globe and the pollution, and you look at it on January 1st of this year, and today, the amount of pollution that has been eliminated is amazing. And it's, and so hopefully that's something that's good. That's gonna come out of this. The tragedy of COVID-19 is, you know, we're, we we're actually seeing changes.

(27m 54s):
I think one of the hardest part about recycling and climate change is everybody says, well, one person can't do it. It's not going to make a difference if the whole world doesn't do it well now we've seen that the whole world had to do it, and we've actually been able to see the changes for the better. So I think that I hope with something that we can continue once we all go back to our everyday lives, I'm hoping so as well. And yeah, I'm right there with you hoping that now that people are actually seeing widespread change, they'll continue banding together towards continuing and Taylor, you and I used to work together on the social committee.

(28m 36s):
What made you want to continue forth and head that up? Yeah, I was going to say for those of you who don't know, the social committee is the only committee here. Who's actually been around for a hot second. So I joined a couple of years ago. One I liked to party to, I like people three. I liked helping people. So it was just a no-brainer Lindsey. You were in charge at that time. So I saw the work that you are doing. And really at that time, it seemed like it was Halloween and the holiday party and maybe a couple of things sprinkled here and there. And then last year I feel like it really kicked off and stepped up its game and I've thought, or I was a part of all of that.

(29m 20s):
And I had such a great time. And so when the opportunity came around and this year, I thought I'd have some good ideas. I like to share with the people. I feel like I really like everyone in our office and I liked getting to talk to everyone. So it was kind of a, an easy fit to just kind of squeeze in there and, and take over and over and get plan things. And I like, I like fun. So I want to bring fun to people. I love it. And yeah, the social committee has done a really, a really excellent job this year, especially with having such a huge curve ball thrown at them with coronavirus and everything.

(30m 1s):
So with all of these changes we've been talking about at an organizational level, I'm curious to hear maybe some more about how heading These Committees has already started to impact us at the individual level. So, you know, Taylor, maybe we could start with you again, like what changes have you noticed in yourself since you've taken on heading up the social committee? Sure. So I would say change is actually started when I joined the social committee in the fact that I felt like I got a lot more confidence around the office, just because I was getting to talk to people. I wasn't just stuck at my desk all day.

(30m 43s):
I was getting involved and doing things. So definitely confidence there. I also feel like being head of the social committee. I've gotten to grow a lot of time. So I know I get to work with a whole bunch of different people. I don't get to work with every day, which has been really great. And there are some things that being head of the social committee involves that just pushed me out of my comfort zone, such as coming and recording a podcast. This is not something I normally do. My hands have been sweating the whole time. So that's there for you. So it's just kind of been able O the other thing. So after we had our big, a chili cook off in February scene and goes, are you going to give a speech to everyone?

(31m 27s):
And I go Sienna, I'm just here for the party. I'm not here to motivate and like, say these things. So there's just been a lot of those kinds of opportunities that pushed me out of my comfort zone, but I feel like I've grown so much from, from those kinds of opportunities. And I'm so grateful for it. Yeah. That's a great answer. And, you know, just so you know, sweaty palms with the Podcast recording is everyone's experience. So if it makes you feel any better, you know, I know that, that everyone, like, as soon as that Mic hits record, it's like, Oh boy, here we go. But yeah, I love that answer. Aaron, what about you? What, what sort of changes have you noticed since becoming involved with a lunch and learn committee?

(32m 11s):
Yeah, so I don't want to sound repetitive to Taylor, but a lot of mine are similar. I would say I've grown a lot within confidence. My confidence has grown and also my attention to detail because I have learned that every initiative requires so many little details, so much planning so much time. And if you miss one thing, it can really throw off the whole event or whatever it is that you're trying to do. So really making sure that all those details are included, ensures the success with every activity and not only in a lunch learns committee, but I've Seen it in the other committees as well. And I think also joining the Committees has helped me come out on my show because we can take these off in January and I'm still fairly new to the whole company.

(32m 52s):
And so whenever they were kicked off, I had the opportunity to talk to people that I might not have been talking to on a regular, on a daily basis and, and help me get to know our employees on a more personal level and also encourage and help them to grow, helping them take leadership positions on the committees and stuff like that. And I would just say overall watching how much everyone loves all the initiatives of the lunch and learn the social committee, recycling wellness committee that everyone has put on. It's really shown me how much of an impact every committee has on the organization. And it makes me really excited for the future. Yeah, that's awesome. And I think it's interesting that there's that commonality between your answers because, you know, I think that saying something pretty big about one of the values of These Committees, which is the way that having something that you're responsible for like this and that puts you out of your comfort zone a little bit and gives you a chance to interact really does transform you in terms of your confidence and, and you know, that sense of self-assuredness that I think we all kind of created that in our careers.

(33m 59s):
So that's a really great answer. I'm curious to hear from Jen Kelly and Siena specifically as department heads, do y'all feel like launching these Committees has had an overall impact on Work Culture. When we started These Committees in January, the goal was for every leader to learn basic skills that they can apply to their day to day work life. And so we created a agendas and recap templates, but what we didn't realize was these committees are the foundation for our virtual engagement. Without these Committees, we wouldn't have such a virtual engagement of employees.

(34m 40s):
There's literally something for everyone in this organization. And that's the beauty of these Committees. Yes. You interact with employees that you normally wouldn't interact with, but most importantly, especially during this time, it's a way for, in place to escape by participating in all of the activities and being part of these Committees. I mean, it's a lot of fun. And what you realize is you end up relying on them for not just emotional support, but also meant to feel support, to go. And do you realize that the employees that are a part of your same team, you grow together and you become more United because you have different outlets to get to know each other on Mary many different levels.

(35m 32s):
So I would say most importantly, we wouldn't be able to have virtual Culture that we have today, if it wasn't for These Committees. Yeah, for sure. I mean, like Taylor and Aaron are perfect examples of the opportunities that these Committees could have a, you know, and you're growing not only in your department and you're getting more comfortable with your people that you already work with, but for the company as a whole, you know, Taylor might not have had to work with very many people, maybe on the billing department or the finance department. And now, you know, she does that because of the committee is made up of all of the employees, somebody from each area of the company, she gets to know them better.

(36m 17s):
She gets to know the people in California and Austin and better. And it not only helps you from a leadership perspective, but also develop personal relationships with people who you might not have had the opportunity to work with. You know, and especially now that we are at home, it's just another touch point for engagement for everybody. Yeah, I agree. And I think the other thing that it does is all of these different Committees really shows the commitment of arm itself because we're, we're interested in your health. We want to make sure that, you know, through the wellness committee, we're giving you great ideas on how to take care of yourself through the social committee. We're giving you a great ideas on how to entertain yourself and interact with others and socialized in this kind of weird rural world that were in the recycling committee.

(37m 5s):
It shows that they're committed to the environment and to making the world sustainable again, you know, lunch and learn it's it's about teaching and, and helping, helping the individuals grow. And I can't wait to see what the scene committee does because I think that's going to have a major impact on our culture and our employees. And I think just, just seeing that is going to be, is going to be amazing. And I think I can't wait for that one. So I think overall it would of been so easy as a company to just say, okay, you're working from home, we'll see you when we get back whenever that is right. But we did it. We made a commitment to continue on with the wellness committee and the recycling committee and the social committee, the lunch and learns has been doing great, but like we've, we've continued pushing forward.

(37m 55s):
And not when we have, we done the Committees that we had all year, we've added another one. And so I think from an employee's perspective, it's so great to know that your company, isn't just leaving you high and dry while you're working from home, because us, we live by ourselves. It's the only like it is. And so I really appreciate everyone who has been able to participate in sending new ideas. I know one of my favorite things that the wellness committee did was put together the rest of the group. And that is just so good. And I love all the recipes in there and I've got to try them and like, it's just, it's nice to know that there are people who genuinely care about your wellbeing at work. And it a shout out on the Recipe book, it would be called the quarantine cuisine.

(38m 39s):
It could be available at Amazon after just getting, Who knows, maybe we can self publish. So this next question, I do want to open up to everybody and it doesn't necessarily have to, your answer doesn't necessarily have to be for your own committee, but I would definitely like to hear what y'all's most memorable experiences have been with the Committees Or the recycling committee. I, I was most excited to tie it in As the fifth G for green. And we launched the four last year and to be able to tie that in. And so everyone has that 50 of their green stays dominant in people's mind when they think about it, that was actually a really cool kind of brainstorming solution that came out of one of our meetings.

(39m 28s):
And everyone was just like, Oh my God, that's awesome. That's exactly what we needed to do. And so that, I know that sounds weird, but that's really, it really wasn't exciting moment for us. We felt like it was a way for us to tie it in to the overall Culture and the expectations of arms. So that was good for us. I'll say my favorite for the lunch and learns committee was definitely hosting the first ever a completely virtual lunch and learns and all of the moments that led up to that because we really got to watch all the committee members get ramped up and get excited for the lunch and learn as it was their first time ever doing one. We put a countdown on our Instagram, so we got all the employees to bring engaged and we had such a high attendance rate that it was just really awesome to see and made us all really excited for the next one.

(40m 18s):
Okay. Mine was probably the cheer, like a golf. It holds a special place in my heart since almost the first big event that I was head of for the social committee, but also just the weather was so nice and the themes were so good and I love to eat. So the fact that we've got to take a couple of hours off work, go eat chili, go eat desserts, just hang out outside, had some music. It was just, it was a fun time for me. I agree with Taylor, the chili cook-off, which sadly was like the last in-person I think event that we held was so fun. It's been a tradition and I'm glad that we recently brought it back. I personally also enjoyed the million mile month.

(41m 1s):
I'm very competitive. I liked seeing not only my own personal self creep up on the board, the leader board, but Ad Results was the third, the third place company for the whole city of Houston in terms of miles walk. So I thought that was pretty great. I really had a great time with that one too. I feel like I've reached a couple of personal bests during that month. My most memorable experience is actually seeing names on the sign up sheet for the same committee. I'm very Happy about that to see that people are interested in there's like 20 plus people that are signed up. So it'll be a pretty big conversation.

(41m 41s):
And just to see their life, you know, people are open to it. It was such a relief. I mean, I had so much anxiety putting it out there, but the love is so real. So shout out to Ad Results, Media employee, I would say as somebody that is not tight, I'm tied to, to all of the committees. I would say, I think the most memorable experience for me is, as you all know, I cry a lot, but I hope I won't cry. When I say this. When I interact with employees and find out how much the Committees have impacted them, a couple of employees have told me, they feel like these Committees represent home to them.

(42m 26s):
And that's pretty powerful to hear when an employee says that because a lot of our employees are going through a lot, especially during this time. And they're struggling in their personal life and to have an outlet where it brings back happiness for them during this dark time. That's when you know what you're doing is bigger than what you think it is. So I think that's been my most memorable experience is really hearing the feedback from the employees about how much each committee has impacted them. And it's been a home away from home during some of the darkest moments in their life.

(43m 11s):
So, So we've been talking a lot about all of these positive changes that we've been making as an organization and, and, and all of the impact that that's been having. And presumably there people listening to this podcast who may be in positions of leadership at their own organizations, or, you know, be working in a company where there either aren't opportunities like this, or, you know, they may be on the horizon. So I'm curious, you know, if we could start with Eugene, but the question is how should other organizations who are considering launching similar initiatives go about it?

(43m 57s):
What advice would you give to them? I mean, I would advise them to pick Committees that are of interest in a benefit to their employees, and then fill those Committees with people who are passionate about the topic. And, you know, their passion will ignite a movement within your company and it will inspire all others to join and get behind it. And you know, as we've demonstrated here from that great things can happen. Kelly, what are your thoughts on that? What advice would you give to an organization who's thinking about launching an initiative like this? I think they've got to do their research.

(44m 37s):
I think Jen is absolutely right. You, you have to make it something that your employees are going to buy into. If you don't have that buy-in, then it's not going to go anywhere. So do their research, talk to your employees, find out what matters to them and find out what interests them and then build off of that. Make them a part of the process, not just as a chair, people and members, but to make that a part of the decision-making process in the beginning about what Committees should be watched. I think that's huge, making sure that everyone has buy-in is the only way to succeed. And Sienna, you obviously have touch all these Committees to some extent, and you have oversight over all of them and you see everything that's happening.

(45m 20s):
What advice would you give to an organization? Who's who's thinking about, you know, building Committees that have this kind of impact. I would say it's not a club it's a professional need, and that's the difference there, our basic skills and each one of these Committees that employees can learn and apply to their day to day. It's important to have an objective. It's important to have goals within the committees. And it's also important to have a budget. You can't, none nothing's free in this world. And the more that you plan and be an advocate for the Committees, the more that you'll see the impact come from the employees.

(46m 4s):
And so having a clear mind, when we started These Committees, we had a clear goal that we wanted to accomplish. What defines success for Committees and those goals and has already been accomplished. And next year, we're going to add a couple of more Committees because that's a need for this organization. So before anything starts, it's really, is it a need? What is the objective? What are the goals? And really be an advocate for them. Because if you are not an advocate for your own committee, you can't expect anybody else to be an advocate for your committee. If you're not excited, if you're not happy to be, if you're not passionate about it, you can't expect anybody else to be that way.

(46m 49s):
And you can't expect everything to be given to you because we're not seeing the work and the passion. So you have to really believe in everything that gets inaugurated and initiated. And that's the difference. And it starts, and I will say this a hundred times, it starts with feedback and it starts with the employees. That's your foundation. Because without that, none of these Committees would exist without participation from the employees. None of it would exist. And without the support of the steering committee and the partners, none of this would exist. You want their support and the way you gather it is agendas and seeing that it is impacting each and every employee in this organization.

(47m 36s):
I think that's a great answer. And you know, the common theme, I think, between those answers is at every level, there has to be that buy-in, you know, from the passion of the people on the team, to the, you know, the people that are in leadership at the highest level is all the way down. So I think those answers are great. And it's a great advice for other organizations to, to look to As I wanted to thank you so much for joining us today. I really loved this conversation. I've loved hearing y'all's insight and your experiences, and I'm really hoping that this is something that others can take note of and, you know, use y'all's experiences in your advice too, kind of launch their own Committees within, within their own organizations.

(48m 21s):
And so thank you so much if you enjoyed this episode, be sure to subscribe for updates on future episodes and leave us a comment with your feedback, questions, or ideas for future segments. If you would like more info on Ad Results Media and what we do, please visit us online at Ad Results. Media dot com. This podcast is an Ad Results, Media production.