Miro helps distributed teams work together with its digital collaboration workspace. The platform is meaningfully leveraged by teams all over the world thanks to the company’s best-in-class support and next-level design. Miro empowers 70 million users and 99% of Fortune 100 companies. 

Miro wanted to reach new audiences and grow brand awareness through podcast advertising. It needed a flexible approach to support its short- and long-term goals. Since the business was new to podcast advertising, it sought a specialized agency with holistic experience, industry partnerships, and the expertise needed to build a winning strategy. Miro found that partnership with ARM.

As part of the initial approach, ARM designed and executed a strategic multi-phased media plan that included testing both live host-read endorsements and produced ads bought programmatically. These ads were part of a full funnel effort to reach Miro’s desired audience. Choosing the right shows was essential to reach these individuals. “Large shows with large reach are great, but much of our audience is quite niche,” said Brandon Lutz, Miro’s Head of Offline and Experimental Media. Overall, Miro’s media buy consisted of a variety of larger, smaller, and newer shows to balance its mix, and the plan included host-read ads on approximately 30 shows where ARM experts worked to brief each host on Miro’s platform to facilitate strong first-person endorsements of the digital collaboration tool. Many of these endorsements also incorporated video integration via shows distributed on YouTube, which was useful to emphasize aspects of the platform best showcased visually 

ARM’s strategy produced quantifiable ROI for Miro. Results showed a 10% uplift in new users while delivering a CPA that was 60% under goal. 

Miro’s team not only ran a successful campaign with ARM’s tailored strategy, but learned testing methodologies and best practices that they will implement in future audio campaigns. 

Want to know more about how ARM’s partnership with Miro proved successful? Download the full case study here